going societal

I wrote a speech youtube cover

Posted on October 23, 2020


Hi everyone, I’m David. 
I’m growing my hair out. I live in a truck camper. I wear a bolo every day now (it’s like a tie from the south). I don’t know who I’m going to be. I do know that I write the kids’ table every week. But not this week.

This week, I have a different message for you. This week, I’m going societal

NEVER BEFORE in the history of this planet has there been a society with the power we have today.

NEVER BEFORE in the history of this planet has there been an entire species so connected with itself. This has never happened before! We are past regular connection. We have risen through the societal ranks of agrarianism, feudalism, nationalism, imperialism, and now we find ourselves… here.

On earth.

In space.

So, as humans, who are we really? I don’t know that for sure. But I know I’m me, and I know you’re you. And I know we’re both here.

And what’s happening here? Well, we’re in a time that you can choose what you see. You can choose your facts. You can choose your environment. You can choose your truth. You can go to this subreddit or that subreddit or this facebook group or that twitter page and read this and see that and believe this and reject that and then unfollow what you don’t want to know any more. And then it ceases to exist.

Buddhism carries some interesting beliefs, some that I believe can be really beneficial if we’d turn their scope directly on ourselves and our actions. One of the main tenants of Buddhism is that your reality is what you can see around you AND THAT’S IT! No more, no less. Your reality is what you can sense. Look around you right now. That’s it. That’s your whole reality. When you can no longer sense something, it ceases to exist. This is how easily we can change our individual realities. And when we change our individual realities, we affect the collective reality.

So be careful what you read. Be careful who you follow. Be careful who you unfollow, too.  Be conscious about how you approach what you see both physically and digitally. Make your own judgements. Do your own analysis. Be conscious of the biases you carry. Because you have a bunch, and so do I. BE CAREFUL, flavor gang. Because the human race is in uncharted territory here. And it’s up to you and me to spread the right message to our generation, and the next one. And the one after that.  It’s on us to navigate this.

And I’ll be back next week with the kids’ table 🙂


I didn’t feel like writing the kids’ table this week. Sonoma and I just made it to Seattle – we are staying at her mom’s house. This house is in such a peaceful location. It’s in the midst of tall coniferous trees at the bottom of a quiet cul-de-sac. Every morning, mist surrounds the house. It’s like waking up in a temperate rain forest. The place is built for introspection – I couldn’t write a comedic column, especially with all the contentious vibes floating around on the internet.

So I wrote this speech instead. Recorded it last night on my podcast microphone, edited the video today, and that’s it. This replaces the kids’ table this week. And no matter what week it is when you read this, I hope you enjoy, and I hope you really think about what I’m talking about here.

Get ready for more content like this.

Youtube Description

a speech I wrote



written for the flavor world flavor friday newsletter (if you were wondering about the “flavor gang” near the end)



background music is “anywhever”, an unreleased song I made in early quarantine. You can also hear it in the background of this igtv video https://www.instagram.com/p/B-FNmZPDhSU/ (which also coincidentally mentions Buddhism)








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