Existential Dread
Posted on December 9, 2022
this one nags at me
let’s say that all matter is energy and all energy is matter and the individual perceiver is literally what it perceives
everyone is everyone else and all of everything is all one
let’s just say that it is
let’s also say our nth-generation-from-now descendants figure out how to tangibly transform the experience of individual perception into the experience of everything (like what consciousness might be like if all matter got converted into something like hedonium)
let’s just say that they can do that
what would that consciousness worry about?
this line of thought is the basis of the lyrics of this song
if everyone is everything, and everything is one
and we’re here for infinity
then we’re alone for infinity
and if our universe is truly limited by our universe
then, no matter how connected we all are,
we’re stuck
in here
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